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ASMbly Event

ASMbly Lab 2013

ASMbly 2013 ran in Unit 3 11 Regent Street, Leeds LS2 7QN in September 2013.


ASMbly (Art.Science.Make) is a space for collaboration where artists, scientists and makers can explore common ground in working practices and generate new knowledge through ideas, experiments and prototypes.

ASMbly welcomes artists, scientists and makers in Leeds and beyond who are interested in collaboration and learning through doing. The lab will be open throughout the day and into the evening and participants are welcome to come and go to the space as often or as little during the week as suits their working practices and time commitments.

Everyone taking part in the lab will do three things:

  • Undergo a short safety induction, help out with other people’s work or housekeeping in the space
  • Come up with a brief outline of what they’ll be working on themselves  (You can just help  others if you don’t have an idea)
  • Be responsible for engaging with others in order to make their own work happen.

The outline needs be no more than an idea or an area of interest, and it doesn’t have to get anywhere near finished during the week: prototypes, sketches, research and ongoing collaborations are all valuable outcomes of ASMbly.

On display and under development in our glass fronted showroom will be:

  • A sound sculpture made of 125 suspended foam filled beach balls
  • Solid, but invisible Sculptures
  • a 6m kinetic sculpture that reveals the hidden wave patterns of the quantum world
  • Analogue laser cloud projection technology and research.

ASmbly is a working space and so if you are interested, but are a visitor who only wants to have a look round, then we ask, if possible, that you visit either between 12-2pm or come to one of our evening events:

  • Show-and-Tell events where new ideas can be pitched and participants can share their work and experiences Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th 6pm
  • bioASMbly, a hands-on introduction to synthetic biology and DIY biohacking Wednesday 6-8pm
  • ASMbly closing event Saturday 6-9

ASMbly is one of an ongoing series of Superpositions, self-organising, bottom-up spaces for conversations, collaboration and new work by makers, scientists and artists in Leeds city-region. Mike Nix explains what a superposition is here.

ASMbly is hosted by Superposition in collaboration with LSx and Pavilion.                                    It has been made possible thanks to sponsorship and support from University of Leeds, Leeds Inspired, Leeds City Council.



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