Superposition #001 – Sculpture, chemical art and hacking
So, this is where it all begins (began). Our crazy notion that a room full of artists, scientists and makers would be interested in each others work and willing to invest their time to explore the possibilities of collaborating.. well they turned up and we had a very successful evening of talks, videos and discussions. The format consisted of three short talks, one each from an art, science and making point of view, followed by a presentation of ‘Phase Revival: An Optical Harmonica” the collaborative project which inspired us to start thesuperposition.org in the first place. To kick things off, I gave a quick layman’s introduction to the concept of a superposition in physics and the way in which we hoped to create ‘superpositions’ of collaborative work.
Dr Mike Nix explains ‘What is a Superposition?’
The three short talks were provided by:
Artist, Dominic Hopkinson, who discussed 3D Penrose Tiling
Scientist, Dr Annette Taylor who discussed the beauty of patterns generated by chemical oscillators
Joe Corcoran and Daniel Fligg who discussed making culture at Leeds Hackspace
Main Presentation. Phase Revival: An Optical Harmonica:
One of the initial inspirations for the bringing together of the pack horse nights and play space was a 10 month collaboration between Andrews&Lynch, Leeds Physical Chemistry Group and composer by Jon Hughes. In a short presentation they discussed the process of working together on the project and how this revealed surprising similarity in the practice of art and science, as well as fundamental differences of approach. Jon Hughes and Dave Lynch reflect on cross-disciplinary processes in the following film..