Adam Glatherine is an Artist, Light Sculptor and Engineer obsessed with light, form and the ways they interact. He’s explored some of the many aspects of this fascination through his work on public light art installations, art exhibitions focusing on light as a material and Architectural lighting design projects ranging from iconic 18th Century Buildings to cutting edge industrial complexes.
An internally illuminated light structure perhaps based on the framework of stellated dodecahedron in stellated icosahedron in stellated dodecahedron (and so on). I’m interested to see how inherently modular it can be and what links might be found to geological and molecular forms. I intend to use acrylics, resins and LED light sources, perhaps with a bit of Welsh slate, anodised aluminium channel, Carrara marble and milliput thrown into the mix.
W: www.lensand.org
T: @lightingadam
FB: https://www.facebook.com/adam.glatherine

Are you an Artist, Scientist, Technologist/ Maker or Other?
Artist l Light Sculptor l Engineer
Summarise what areas of Science/ Technology/ Art are you looking to explore?
Illumination and Optical Structures
Your Team
Why do you want to take part ASMbly Lab?
Seems like an amazing place to create, discuss and collaborate with lively minds. I’m already excited about the possibility of interacting with Laurence (prob re optical structures and casting methods), Alison (prob re Optical materials and controls, Dom (prob re geometric structures), Dave (prob re controls and lensing) and Ben (prob re molecular structures and how they might link to geometric structures). I’d like to build an internally illuminated light structure perhaps based on the framework of stellated dodecahedron in stellated icosahedron in stellated dodecahedron (and so on). I’m interested to see how inherently modular it can be and what links might be found to geological and molecular forms. I intend to use acrylics, resins and LED light sources, perhaps with a bit of Welsh slate, anodised aluminium channel, Carrara marble and milliput thrown into the mix.
Is this a new/ existing project, artwork or piece of research?
New, but strongly based in other projects and processes I’ve been working on for years.
Are you looking for collaborators?
Yes, at least in terms of refining ideas and techniques at the start (see ‘why you want to take part’ section answer)
Skill Sharing
I have good theoretical and hands-on knowledge of light sources, optics and the optical qualities of materials. I’m also able to structure and connect disparate ideas and concepts.
Where are you based?