Having spent a number of years researching aperiodic tiling systems, I have secured ACE funding for a year, to be the Artist in Residence at the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, working with a research group looking at how these systems function in 3dimensional space.
I will be continuing my research during the whole lab, and running a workshop on the subject. also willing to participate in other work going on during the Lab.
W: www.dominichopkinson.com
T: @domthesculptor
Attendance: Every day – All day
Are you an Artist, Scientist, Technologist/ Maker or Other?
Summarise what areas of Science/ Technology/ Art are you looking to explore?
Art | Mathematics
Your Team
Dom Hopkinson, artist and Priya Subramanian, mathematician
Why do you want to take part ASMbly Lab?
Member of TheSuperposition
Is this a new/ existing project, artwork or piece of research?
Skill Sharing
Practical making and sculpture.
Where are you based?