After 20 years as a scientist and a ‘secret’ photographer, I recently became a full-time artist. I work with alternative processes, predominantly cyanotype, and use classical and contemporary origami techniques to explore the philosophy of memory, self and imagination. My work addresses the thesis that ‘we are our memories’.
I will share contemporary origami techniques which free origami from traditional patterns and facilitate new uses which can be transferred to other materials. Using cyanotype-coated paper I will demonstrate how a photographic process can be used to capture the experience and reflect the memory of form. New forms and their ‘memories’ will be created.
W: www.alunkirby.com
T: @AlunKirby
#metamorphogram #memoryofform

Are you an Artist, Scientist, Technologist/ Maker or Other?
I’m an artist, though I was a scientist (basic research in Immunology) for 20 years.
Summarise what areas of Science/ Technology/ Art are you looking to explore?
I am examining the philosophy of memory, together with the biological and psychological science that supports the philosophy. It is asking how memory relates to our ‘self’, our imagination, and even our ability to predict the future!
Your Team
I’ll be on my own, making forms using origami, which capture experience through a photographic process.
Why do you want to take part ASMbly Lab?
I love collaboration. Working together to make synergy in art or science is always worthwhile.
Is this a new/ existing project, artwork or piece of research?
This is part of an ongoing project.
Are you looking for collaborators?
Yes. New applications, new directions always welcome.
Skill Sharing
Origami, cyanotype (15 years experience), film photography / printing (25 years), microscopy, cell culture, data analysis… just ask.