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Project Nimbus


Dave Lynch | Mike Nix | Aaron Neilsen

Were Live!

After 3 years research we finally projected images of Edweard Muybridge’s Horse in Motion onto the clouds direct from an aeroplane.

Our journey takes us from the initial inspiration of a US Military projection weapon through a series of prototypes developed through conversation and collaboration, pilots, scientists, makers, early cinema specialists, weapons experts, cultural theorists. artists, sailors and cloud appreciators.  All leading to a series of successful flights with the Laser Zoopraxiscope Mk6, a redesign of Edweard Muybridges’ projection technology from 1887 repurposed with a laser light source. This will be the first presentation of this project since it’s initial success in 2015, described as a ground breaking world first by New Scientist Magazine.

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Click the Image to read the article.

Dave Lynch and Mike Nix, presented the findings at Leeds Museum on the 4th of July, to a sold out audience of 250.  The talk showcased the experimental prototypes, tactics and techniques, alongside the highs, lows and serendipity of interdisciplinary ways of working, collaborative research and play.  Their aim to sharing their process as a model for best practice to inspire others.

A recording of the presentation will be uploaded in the coming weeks.

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The inspiration was to create an open source cloud projector to share with artists and activists as a means for creative expression.  3 years on, it was something quite different, the project evolved into a story of genuine collaboration, sharing knowledge and creating new ways of thinking across many disciplines.   We specifically stayed away from commercial requests to keep the clouds a sacred space, away from logos and social media stunts, which many are pursuing.  We all have a relationship to the clouds, the sense of looking up and dreaming, we hope Project Nimbus inspires people to believe in big ideas and consider that through collaboration we can all push the boundaries of what we know.

Creative Commons License
The Laser Zoopraxiscope by Dave Lynch, Mike Nix, Aaron Nielsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at



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