I am a 23 year old PhD student at the University of Leeds. My thesis is based around the invention and uptake of the stethoscope. I’ve always been a big fan of practical projects but not had the opportunity to be involved in one until now.
The project aims to recreate some of the earliest models of the stethoscope and do a variety of trials to find out what length and wood type would have been ‘optimal’ for the purpose of the stethoscope (listening to the heart and lungs).
T: @CazAvery

Are you an Artist, Scientist, Technologist/ Maker or Other?
Historian of Science
Summarise what areas of Science/ Technology/ Art are you looking to explore?
Frequencies picked up by different lengths of stethoscope.
Your Team
Why do you want to take part ASMbly Lab?
I’m hoping to get a better understanding of the efficacy of the original stethoscope. ASMbly is a great opportunity for me to be able to carry out this research because I will be able to meet people who have the skill necessary to help form this into a real project.
Is this a new/ existing project, artwork or piece of research?
This is a new project.
Are you looking for collaborators?
Skill Sharing
I have the historical knowledge which forms the basis of the experiment.
Where are you based?