I am a UK based sculptor, curator and educator. I work collaboratively across art, science & social history through interactive sculptures, live art making, games and events. I am Artist in Residence at The Museum of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at The University of Leeds and am a Co- Founder of The Superposition.
I will be making biomimetic sculptures that model light absorption in relation to foliage distribution at various levels within a forest canopy. These acrylic sculptures can then be used to make photograms that record light absorption of different living structures on their own and in combination. Also, making replica Victorian Amputation kit and Prosthetics for them to be used on. (If both together)
If Separate
I will be making biomimetic sculptures that model light absorption in relation to foliage distribution at various levels within a forest canopy. These acrylic sculptures can then be used to make photograms that record light absorption of different living structures on their own and in combination.
As part of a workshop I’m developing for the Museum of HSTM I will be running casting and electrical sensor tests. The aim being to create a replica Victorian amputation with accompanying prosthetic limbs that react when operated upon.
W: www.lawrencemolloy.co.uk
T: @lawrencemolloy
#historyofmedicine #scienceworkshop #antiquephotography #biomimesis
FB: https://www.facebook.com/lawrencemolloyart

Are you an Artist, Scientist, Technologist/ Maker or Other?
Artist/ Tech
Summarise what areas of Science/ Technology/ Art are you looking to explore?
prosthetics, systems of biology and casting.
Your Team
Why do you want to take part ASMbly Lab?
to explore art, develop workshops started as part of HSTm and collaborate with cool people.
Is this a new/ existing project, artwork or piece of research?
New but being developed
Are you looking for collaborators?
yes, programming
Skill Sharing
casting, blueprints, laser cutting
Where are you based?